When you go to a financial planner you have some expectations, do you not? Let us see what are the legitimate expectations that you can have: – he should be able to articulate your goals more clearly. When you say “I want the best education for my daughter” he should be able to translate that […]

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You may have read it earlier. Elsewhere or here itself. It may have had a different title, but the principles remain the same. Let me tell you the MOST important investment steps: 1. Learn, know and Understand YOURSELF: This is not so simple. Just too many people I know will say ‘I have to make […]

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What do you do if people disagree with you? Get angry, resign to fate, fight, ignore them…well look up the Cognitive disonance….but first read on.. There are some deep beliefs that you cannot question. Let us say the scientists in the world believed that the world is flat. It means many years of research including […]

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Amazing how people who do not know anything about debt, equity, mutual funds, risk, real estate, …suddenly turn advisers. No this is not about somebody selling life insurance and mutual fund products, but inside the family ‘advisers’ ever willing to help! They just wait for some ‘helpless’ person and start giving advise. Let us look […]

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There are some deep beliefs that you cannot question. Let us say the scientists in the world believed that the world is flat. It means many years of research including greats like Aristotle who had not said anything to the contrary. So if I were a scientist in that era and a few guys like […]

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