The economists of the world make on amazingly stupid assumption: “Man is a rational animal” and this leads them to a belief ‘therefore he will do things which are best for him’. This means he will: a) choose the most profitable options – financially rational b) he will take a long term view of things […]

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What is cognitive dissonance? Actually the question should be why as an investor / wealth creator should you be aware of this! Cognitive dissonance is our need to justify all our actions – even if we know that it is not worth justifying. It is easier to see examples of what is cognitive dissonance. We […]

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What do you do if people disagree with you? Get angry, resign to fate, fight, ignore them…well look up the Cognitive disonance….but first read on.. There are some deep beliefs that you cannot question. Let us say the scientists in the world believed that the world is flat. It means many years of research including […]

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There are some deep beliefs that you cannot question. Let us say the scientists in the world believed that the world is flat. It means many years of research including greats like Aristotle who had not said anything to the contrary. So if I were a scientist in that era and a few guys like […]

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