Most of us eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, and white sugar. White bread, white rice, sugar etc. are all processed foods and the processing is a process of removing all the nutrients in the food! God gave us potatoes, we made fries. God gave us sugarcane, we created white sugar. Cane and other fruits […]

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Generally investment managers emphasise a lot on financial or money management for all the people they meet. This is of course nice, their job depends on the assets under their management, so they should do this. Let us look at it from the ‘investor’ or ‘client’ ‘s point of view. When you are young (say […]

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Either I am being very touchy about ULIPs or Endowment plans in general or too many pro-ulip articles are appearing in the print media also. The big worry about using numbers in an example is to know enough about statistics – mean, median, mode, standard deviation and NOISE. Noise is the distortion that is caused […]

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