When 2 people get married……we hope that they are financially compatiable, sometimes they are, sometimes they are not… Here are the details of a couple …and they had an amazing story. I took their permission to share the story with you… He is 42 she is 37 years old. He works for a huge pharmaceutical […]

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Here are the details of a couple …and they had an amazing story. I took their permission to share the story with you… He is 42 she is 37 years old. He works for a huge pharmaceutical company and earns well. Lots of cash, lots of goodies. His total savings as of now Rs. 8-9 […]

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I have had at least 13 calls asking me a simple question: “Should i sell my units in Dsp Merill Lynch?” and “Should I surrender my TATA AIG policy”. Surprisingly the answers to both the questions are a little different. A mutual fund has 2 distinct parts. One is a Trust – which has all […]

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