If you are old enough to remember what is LBO it means you were born in the 1950s or 60s! LBO is a short form of Leveraged By Out. Here a set of employees would get together and decide to buy out the shareholders. Then they would take the company public and make their $ […]

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FMPs have had a great relationship with Asset management companies and with the investors. Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs) were initially instruments which were mutual funds with ‘banklike’ products. You could buy a FMP with maturity ranging from 30 days to 180 days. Then a couple of FMPs were launched with 300 days maturity, then 366 […]

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I did an unscientific sms poll asking people the same question: ” 5 year view – If I have money to invest in the equity markets. Should I do a 12 month STP or a 24 month STP?”. The persons covered included 2 CIOs, 2 CEOs a few fund managers, 3-4 research people and a […]

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When I was talking to a regulator,  he asked me “How come ULIPs (Unit linked insurance plans) charge such a high “entry” load? I told him as a distributor I can actually make more money from a customer selling mutual funds than selling ULIPs because of churn and a trail commission that is based on […]

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