The chances are that you are either employed somewhere or you are in a business. If you are in a business you understand that 1. First you create a product, 2. Make it, test it and then deliver it to the client 3. The client buys it uses it and then makes the payment…. Right? […]

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Well that is for you to know or understand, but you can do one thing – Approach your Job like a business! Companies across the globe operate in much the same way. They go into business, manage their expenses and try to turn a profit.They have a business plan – and it is called a […]

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For a minute forget what the various parts of the financial services industry is telling you. The profitability of this industry seems to be fantastic. Let us take 4 parts of the industry: a. Banking: Over the years the biggest and the richest fortunes have been made by bankers. No doubt about it. Goldman Sachs, […]

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Approach your Job like a business! Companies across the world operate in much the same way. They go into business, manage their expenses and try to turn a profit. This concept that can also be applied to personal finance. Think of yourself as your own business. To make your business a success, you need to take […]

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