Well, if you were in the US and I were a Pres candidate…i would have been forced to ask you this question. Well politics aside, this is a question that you should keep asking yourself EVERY year. In case of your personal life, hobbies, work, relationships, etc. you need to frame your own questions.I do […]

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These are some wealth observations – learnt from observing, copying, reading, experiencing,….the following learnings are worth reading about: 1. High Income does not always translate to higher wealth: Unless you create income creating assets which grow at a rate greater than inflation, you cannot get wealthy. Simple Income has to be spent and then used […]

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The advantage of running a blog and doing some training is you meet people of various types, shapes and sizes. I meet people who have made immense amount of money in equity markets (upwards of Rs. 20 crores), people who are die-hard market timers (some have done well so somewhat debunking the theory that no […]

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