There are some stories that I really liked as a kid. One of them is the hen that laid golden eggs. Since the average IQ of the readers of this blog is high, and for brevity do not think there is any need to repeat the story. Let us see what the government does when […]

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this is a part of the inflation story in Moneymantra…. Well there are two things to understand – inflation hurts only in the long run. If you have an expenditure coming up in the next 2 years inflation should not be a bother. However if you are looking at the longer run – say upwards […]

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this article appeared in money mantra….as a lead story on inflation. Inflation is perhaps one of the least understood risks in investing. Understanding the power of small numbers is not easy. That is the reason why people find it difficult to understand the impact of compounding too – after all inflation is just negative compounding. […]

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Ok the jury is still out on this. Once the Pound was the main currency of world trade, then it slipped. It took a couple of world wars, a depression, huge geo-political changes – big parts of the world shifted out of the Pound’s control…and the dollar became the King. However it was not easy […]

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If you have wondered what are soft commissions here is the answer. There are some legitimate expenses and some not so legitimate expenses. Soft commissions are what sales people call ‘entitlements’. It could be in the form of a contest – the top 100 winners go on an all paid trip to South Africa, Goa, […]

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There are many reasons to buy Gold and hold it. Of course tomorrow I can give you many reasons NOT to own gold also. One reason NOT to own gold is the recent phenomenon in its price. For example if you had invested in gold in 1980 (US $ 590) today it would be worth […]

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Why are gold prices going up? There is actually only one answer – the demand for gold is greater than the supply. In fact this can be the only reason why the share price of any product goes up. Let us look at some reasons why gold prices have been going up – and I […]

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