If you have seen all the news items about ULIPs, other life insurance products, etc. you might have suddenly thought that life insurance business is not profitable. Banish that thought. It is very profitable – why do you think all foreign players are trying to get in? So here is the reason: Cost effective distribution […]

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Almost every body whom I meet asks me this question: “Should I buy gold?”. My answer is never straight (everybody around me says that!!). So I ask “Why?” The answer always is : “Because it is going up.” To me this answer is scary and completely stupid. If every body is buying an item because […]

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this article appeared in money mantra….as a lead story on inflation. Inflation is perhaps one of the least understood risks in investing. Understanding the power of small numbers is not easy. That is the reason why people find it difficult to understand the impact of compounding too – after all inflation is just negative compounding. […]

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What a sensational rumour! The sensex is down because a big group which was holding a lot of share across various counters today continued selling! There was a vested interest for a lot of people – a big power IPO has many stakeholders you see. So all the kings men and all the kings horses […]

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