Many organisations have a designation called the ‘Wealth’ manager. I have often wondered about the enormity of this task. You really have to be a friend of the client and you actually need only about 30-40 clients of good size to make a decent living. How is a wealth manager different from a Financial Planner. […]

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My Gym trainer is also my client for advisory services and this is the dialogue that we have had: My Gym trainer: I have been coming to you for the past 4 years and I do not feel rich Me: Are you earning as much as you said you are? GT: Yes of course – […]

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There are some deep beliefs that you cannot question. Let us say the scientists in the world believed that the world is flat. It means many years of research including greats like Aristotle who had not said anything to the contrary. So if I were a scientist in that era and a few guys like […]

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One very important media advise is “If the fund has been a poor performer for X quarters, sell it off“. This looks so stunningly correct an advise that few people will be able to shrug it off. Take for example in the current down turn of the Indian equity markets the performance of ‘balanced’ funds. […]

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