How many of you know what is the Wimbledon effect? It is a tennis tournament played in England. The crowds come from all parts of the world, but is largely English. The ball boys, girls, commentators etc. are mostly English (well well these days things are changing!), but one thing is certain, the winner […]

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Most of the ‘average’ students today do an MBA and get a degree. Now this could be from a great college, a good college, a bad college or a downright stupid college. Let me tell you the salaries that were being offered for these graduates. It is really appalling. For example I remember that there […]

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Once upon a time not very long ago the MD of a company (who had never been in a sales function) was making a presentation. At this presentation he would put the Customer on top….and tell the world that the whole organization existed for the customer. Obviously in this diagram of hierarchy he would be […]

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