“Invest like Mukesh Ambani” or “Invest like Warren Buffet” or “Vallabh Bhansali”…are all very sexy and very very media like advice. And typically stupid, wrong and impossible to implement advice. Do not even read such articles further. Face it. Whatever it is, in this birth you are not Buffet, Ambani, Jhunjhunwala or Bhansali. Fact is, […]

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We saw how your brain makes you do things which are bad for you as an investor….let us see how to combat it. Importantly, read these aloud and repeat it a zillion times, maybe everyday before you even SEE your portfolio: 1. I will invest in education much before I invest in the markets: Nothing […]

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When you see news items like IPO subscribed 40 times, or 200 times do you wonder how? Or when L&T finance debentures at 8.5% p.a. gets subscribed, do you wonder why? The answer is very simple. Merchant bankers are a nice small clique who also run PMS schemes. So when the ‘Investment Bank’ goes to […]

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