Capitalism is when the capital provider works in the business and wants to CONSTANTLY increase its net-worth by honest means so that he can bequeath it to his children, grand children, great grand children…and all of them take the same view. However if you have people who are ‘building a business to sell it off’ […]

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Once upon a time (even today it has not really changed much) companies were run for the benefit of the dominant shareholders who were also in management. Even today that happens in companies like Reliance, Birla, Bajaj, Murugappa, – and these are not insignificant in size or contribution to the national kitty. However in the […]

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When you meet corporate India’s executives, their suppliers, their customers, the vendors who sell their products, you can see a lot of disconnect. Here is my (completely unsolicited) advice to the people who meet Corporate India: a. It may sound difficult, but do not laugh at their ‘Corporate Vision’, ‘Corporate Mission’ and words like ‘monetize […]

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A bureaucrat or a minister is respected by the size of the fiefdom he runs. So obviously when the corpus in ULIPs has got far higher than the full mutual fund industry….SEBI saw some ground slipping. If SEBI was so clear, it should have woken up long ago. Why was it sleeping. Also ULIP is […]

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