This younger generation has no goals, no aims, nothing – we were so focused….so said a friend of mine. I am quite surprised and sometimes saddened when such remarks are made. Every generation has its stars, super stars, successful people, fraudsters, lazy bums, idiots,….in more or less the same quantities is the feeling I got. […]

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Mumbai has a peculiar problem- exhorbidant real estate prices. However this does not mean economics is at work. I would know of many people who live far, far beyond their means. How does this happen? Well their parents are cash-flow poor, but asset rich. The children are asset poor, but have some cash flow. Take […]

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Today most of us have made much more money than we thought we would make! Surely some of my classmates (ok just a couple of them) with a net worth of Rs. 200 crores plus are kidding themselves if they thought they will make so much money. Frankly when we started life after getting our […]

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