Largely there are many players in the market – and each person says what suits them.

CEO/ CIO – of Asset Management companies (Mutual fund) – largely asset gatherers who love that you keep investing. Their normal refrain – in the long run we will all make money. Surely the amc’s money making is more guaranteed than yours. So they will tell you that we have products specifically suitable to handle volatility. Great. This product looks great during such a bad week.

What they do not tell you: they have Rs. 20,000 crore in a large and midcap fund. This fund has done badly last week. They have another “full equity” fund which has under performed another Ultra Short bond fund. And they have whole of Rs. 124 crores in the Volatility fund.

CEO/CIO: If I were you, I would still be investing. In fact I had invested more in the same fund.

What they don’t tell you : Hey Joker my salary is Rs. 5 crores a year, my bonus last year was Rs. 7.3 crores. Of course I have Rs. 14 crores in equity, but I also have a house worth Rs. 20 crores, Rs. 8 crores in Gilt, one more house with rental income. And yes, I do a sip of Rs. 50,000 in our fund. Yes the volatility did not worry me at all.

Ifa: When the index was 42000 – keep your sip going on.

When the index was 40,000 – keep your sip going on

When the index was 39k, ….right down to 27k – a) maybe you should book some profits b) maybe you should invest more and c) redeem all the money and we will invest later.

Here your IFA is talking like a BAD fund manager. You need to get a better adviser.

Sometimes a few investors get a few right calls – and actually sells some units/ shares at 39000. He now tom toms how he was brilliant. However thats luck, and bad advice! If he was really giving that call – you need to ask him why he sold such a small quantity and not the full quantity!!

Well, well.



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