Is your wealth contributing to your well-being?

What is the use of accumulating wealth if it does not contribute to YOUR well-being?

I mean physical well being, emotional well being, emotional well being, social well-being, etc…

For physical well-being join  a gym, get a wellness instructor, exercise (no you do not to run the Ladakh – Khardungla Ultra Marathon) – a simple 45 minutes run 4 times a week is superfine. Learn to cook – and spend your money and time in getting good ingredients for cooking. Eat good home cooked food as far as possible, reduce or eliminate alcohol, stop smoking,…..there are a lot of things. MOST important get adequate sleep. The sleep that you get on aircraft and premium lounges in airports do not count (ask me I am in a premium lounge, and I have no clue why it is called premium in T2 Delhi).

Get more friends and make sure you go out with them often enough and have a great time. Choose your idea of fun – a football game, a T20 match, an evening with Hindi Golden era music – and do it now. Procrastination is suicidal. At no age should enjoyment be postponed.

See a psychiatrist if you need one (omg it is not a taboo), ……and if your wealth cannot allow you to do all this, why EARN?

Excuse yourself for the mistakes you made, travel with friends and family (I am still on leave – just traveled with 3 friends and 3 strangers. Went to Leh and spent about 10 days including running a Half marathon at Leh.

will add more….this is for starters…

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