For those who noticed, this Sunday-Monday I had carried an article about the cost of postponing. It was an article by the Marketing Head of a life insurance company. I have decided to carry guest articles – it gives the readers a wider choice to read from.

Here is a general caveat: Expect articles to be biased. See the name of the author, see the designation and KNOW that it will have a bias. If it is a person from a life insurance company, he/ she will say ‘buy ulip, buy pension plan, child plan…’. If it is a person who has written a book, he will ask you to buy his book. If it is a person who has designed a software, he would want to plug that. NOTHING WRONG.

YOU, the reader have to decide how much to accept as ‘information’ and how much as a ‘plug’. If somebody does not plug, he /she will be failing in his/her duty!

Will this mean I will comment on these stories? NO. I think my readers are smart enough and will decide for themselves.

Does it mean I endorse what they write? OMG, No.

Some articles which come to me are ghost written – fine by me. Some articles are so well written that I feel like asking ‘tell me how much did you buy it for?’ – nothing worries/bothers me. As long as I get the article by mail and I have been told it is original I frankly could not care.

This reduces the burden on me….and you get more articles. I still hold that I have written all that I know, so it becomes kinda contrived to keep writing on topics which are old…..



  1. Thank you Subra.

    waiting for your next posts on reading the balance sheet and
    the series on how people like us with limited reach can pick stocks with a 5-10 years horizon..

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