Well I have a lot of presence on the web – fb, linkedin, twitter, then the obvious mails…etc.

One of the websites I use is ‘moneycontrol’ – for prices and charts…funny thing is a part of my portfolio is there.

I keep getting advice as follows:

–Cholamandalam is the biggest loser in your portfolio..what should you do?

-ITC is the biggest winner – is it a good short term buy, long term buy or a trading call?

–Cholamandalam is the biggest winner in your portfolio, what should you do now?

–Coromandel International….loser…now?

–Coromandel Interntaional …winner..now?

It would be a few shares which get repeated every day…Why?

It takes the ‘absolute’ loss or gain (for the day)…NEVER the %age loss! So it is the same few shares (depending on value) which keep coming up again and again!

Linked IN

this site keeps saying ‘get a recommendation’..which means I should go around asking people about myself. This is a a super great sales call (for Linked In) but not sure how many people can ask for a recommendation in writing ..JUST LIKE THAT? I do not know.


‘add a friend’ – largely because it has 5 friends in common. This is because I have connected to one guy 3 of his sisters, father, brother-in-law,….oops Linkedin please check what are you doing! Of course FB is the worst in terms of what it prompts…and it is sadly not a learning software. It keeps throwing up same names as ‘Friends – suggestion’. It is bugging and boring.


………… i ignore most of this anyway….




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