When I talk to people about to Retire or have just retired..what are their biggest worries…

  1. Health: Most people are worried about their health.  The biggest worry for those who are financially secure is having the physical health to enjoy the golden years you’ve worked so hard to achieve.  Do what you can to optimize your health, it’s an important requirement for a Great Retirement. Worrying about health is also not very useful – get into some amazing fitness routine, and eat less. Those are the best ways to keep fit.
  2. Social Interaction: People who have worked all their lives have this huge worry about what social interaction. Most people are unable to or perhaps not putting enough efforts to build a social network. Go and get in touch with your school mates, college mates, cousins – form FB groups, meet regularly, and have fun. You can (must) create joint events, travel together, celebrate birthdays, etc. This requires some effort – and if you don’t put in the effort, you will not be able to create a post retirement group for activities.
  3. Having enough to do: As you get older you tend to sleep less. So you have say 17 hours to kill everyday. Most people have retired due to a ‘compulsory’ retirement clause in their jobs. They have no clue about what to do. Many of them have no hobbies – they never had it, anyway. For the first time in our lives, retirees no longer have a pre-ordained structure to their day.  That reality is both an excitement and a concern. WE are responsible, for the first time, to determine what we’re going to do, and how we’re going to fill our time.  Only a few of “us” have a very high confidence level that we’re prepared in the area of “having enough to do”.
  4. Respect in the House: Many people are worried about losing respect in the house. Even a simple thing like their son or daughter get priority some people get upset about this..


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