Women were groped and harassed in the IT city of Bengaluru. – News item.

Now this article is not about the incident, but how each one of us will describe it. Remember, the person repeating the story can (will) add some masala to it, and make it look like a story where EVERYBODY except he is to be blamed.

If a Martian were watching it from Mars he would describe it as ” see what human beings do to each other”. Very true – elephants, tigers, …none these animals attack except in self defense and sex is largely to procreate. For humans sex is entertainment – and less for procreation. Sorry, that is not the subject.

The men of Bengaluru will quickly have to find something to say in an ‘in inclusive way’…

so the older men will say  ” I have no clue what these young men (and women!!!) do these days..

the Tamilian men will say “I have no clue what these Kannadigas are up to these days..

the upper caste men will say “I have……………………..caste……..”

the North Indian men will blame the South Indian men

the Kannadigas will say..”why do we allow people from the North to come and settle….”

these kind of narratives are necessary because YOU can never be a part of the narrative including yourself. Imagine if a man said “all men are like that” – that includes him, so he can never, ever make that statement. An American will say “Oh these Indian men” – remember the per capita rape in UK and USA is far higher. Of course they hide by saying ‘More rapes get reported here’.

So all of us have to be in a narrative which does not include us. So we will all find basis of differentiating – age, caste, religion, skin color, geography….

THAT IS EXACTLY how all narratives are done…this was just an example.

  1. more than 50 lakh people including men and women “dip”
    ganga,godavari.krishna pushkaras!

    so in india and gathering in very large numbers is not new!

    never indian men misbehaved in public!

    “new year” revelry with “alcohol” consumption just to “boost” stock price of “distillery” companies has caused this “havoc”

    too much “equity” mantra kills “human mantra”!


  2. Well said Mr Surendra!

    In Tamil Nadu, a lot of devotes go on foot to Pazhani (read similar to Palani)(in TN) and Sabari Mala (in Kerala). No untoward incidents happen.

    The Ganesh Chathurthi which was not celebrated a couple of decades ago with the same zeal as its done now, things get different…

    I wonder why???

  3. @surendra… how do you know “nothing” happened at pushkaras? Just because it is not reported does not mean it did not happen!

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