Recently read about a blogger writing about what he learnt from being on one Investing forum. Mine is a little broader..this includes many blogs, pages, sites,….

  1. Most people visiting these sites KNOW that they can EASILY earn 25% p.a. for the next 3o or 40 years. Buffett ka baap.
  2. Most blogs are run by people with some focus – ad revenue, to sell financial products/services,
  3. A blog considers itself successful or unsuccessful depending on the number of hits.
  4. The number of people coming to a blog or being sticky to a blog is smart guess work
  5. Many readers cannot distinguish between a blog post and a PMS service.
  6. According to PR agencies, every group is well penetrated by their PAID writers.
  7. Posts like “Yes..retirement is important, that is why I bought…….plan from ……” is clearly a plug in, but commonly found.
  8. You can be caustic, popular, correct, bluffing, calling the bluff, – all at the same time.
  9. You need to use ‘unfriend’ pretty liberally and still reach 5000 ‘friends’. Good number to reach. Once you are there..more cannot be added
  10. There is a huge shortage of writers. There is a huge shortage of writers. Repeat.
  11. Personal finance beyond 14o words is repetition.
  12. Remove the words start early, asset allocation, pension plan, child plan, long term from a blogger on PF, he is dead.
  13. If you do not know the purpose of a blog, you should be worried
  14. Money is not the only thing that bloggers chase. But money is not bad, eh?
  15. ….enough for a Sunday…
  1. Readers are smart, hopefully most of them take the essence of the post and incorporate it in their lives. But we all like shortcuts be it a blogger or a wannabe investor.

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