Most of us know what we want. Only thing is we are not willing to pay the price / effort to get it. If you want a body like Virat Kohli or Priyanka Chopra are you willing to put in 3 hours at the GYM to reach there?

If you want money like a Buffett or an Ambani – are you willing to put in the efforts? take the tension?

We can all understand that you cannot pay the EMI of a Nano if what you want is a Mercedes.

You need to work 80 hour weeks, WEEK ON WEEK to get to the Ambani and Buffett levels of money.

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar runs 80 minutes a day EVEN TODAY to keep himself fit.

So ask yourself : “What is the price that I am willing to pay for what I want”.

If you have promised yourself that you will go to the Gym from 1st Jan ask yourself…why the hell have you not gone till 20th May?

or why you ate that Rosogolla yesterday at the office lunch? or ….

If you want to be on your own – ask yourself WHEN? iF YOU are born 1986 chances are that you are afraid to even change your job – forget starting off on your own. When you were just 2 of you, you could not – how is the kid going to help?

Stop lying please. You cannot lie to the man whose face you see everyday while shaving.

And if you have married a woman who is more scared than YOU about entrepreneurship, chances are you will stay in your job. Now and for ever.

God bless. Somebody else has said it less HARSHLY…

You probably know to ask yourself, “What do I want?” Here’s a way better question

You probably know to ask yourself, “What do I want?” Here’s a way better question

  1. So ask yourself : “What is the price that I am willing to pay for what I want”. -Excellent 🙂

  2. Great thoughts subra!!. Also the link you shared was very useful, i can now relate to myself why i didn’t do something which i kept dreaming about, now i get it that i just wanted the end result i didnt wanted the process of going there so i hardly tried or risked. May be i liked the idea of the end result but never really wanted it 🙂 Thanx !!

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