Too many people are looking for a magic wand which will help them retire early. Retire here means you stop NEEDING to work for money.

You work because you enjoy your work, not just to pay the EMI on some nonsense that you have bought.

Step one is to want less.

You need to live a simple life: Remember you can get ‘sukha bhel’ at a railway station for Rs. 10. Not the cleanest, most hygienic, etc. but yes Rs. 10. You could go to The Sea Lounge in the Taj Mumbai and pay Rs. 850 for a plate of bhel. Make your choice.

You need to live a less wanting life: take a honest look around your home. Do you REALLY need all that stuff? de clutter is very important.

You need to show off a little less.

Take your vacations to de stress not to show off.

and read so that when I post articles like this you are around to read

  1. Step one is to want less.

    – so should i not “want” to retire early ?

    What a paradox #1!

    – to retire early i need to invest in equities / businesses.

    Alas if people stopped eating junk food, biscuits, noodles / smoking cigarettes /using cosmetics/ stopped getting home loans the businesses i am investing will collapse in no time and these stocks will zoom to zero.

    What a paradox #2!

  2. My favorite subject. Trying to minimize expenses while being an nri and saving as much as possible, expecting to be financially independent in 5 years, and to live at hometown thereafter with reduced expenses; by farming/producing vegetables, fruits, fish and poultry for domestic use. Continue work in engineering design but from home/ parttime only.

  3. @Aby

    You have built an awesome castle in the air.
    Just got to put the foundation underneath.

  4. These are golden words “Take your vacations to de stress not to show off.”
    In today’s lifestyle of Facebook Checkin, it’s very tempting to get distracted, instead of enjoying the view and alone time, we are more interested in taking and sharing the picture!!

  5. @Aby – our horizons keep on changing.
    I am thinking after 10 years from now i will have enough to not work for money and dedicate time for volunteer work.
    Probably teach at a school in rural area on a beach!!
    But!! i am not sure if my wife and future kids will agree! I feel the argument after 10 years will be if my kids can adjust in India.


  6. Moron :

    Paradox #1

    Wanting less things and wanting to retire early and correlated and easy to understand. You managed to confuse yourself.

    Paradox #2

    Are you suggesting that people keep working and buy junk to keep stocks from falling to zero?

  7. There is an entire community of early retirees. If you search the web, there is a lot of discussion on this topic and folks who claim to have retired early.

  8. Topic close to heart, so I’ll have to comment. As Subra Sir rightfully said 2 ways to make the ends meet – Increase the income or decrease the expenses. I quit my IT job and cut down family income by 1/2 so I could stay at home and take care of my kids. We save > 50% of our income (always done that) so my Husband can retire in his 40s. I have > 10 year old stuff I happily use & wear because its still usable, I would rather donate money (which we do regularly) instead of buying tons of useless crap which we don’t really need. So yes its possible, doable and Best of Luck to all in pursuit of Early Retirement and a more fulfilling, meaningful and productive life.

  9. agree with Ravi.

    if you are a typical salaried professional working in india with kids – forget about retiring early.

    kids’ school, college fees alone will suck you dry.

    it doesn’t cost anything to dream.

  10. This is so true, Sir. By demanding more we are actually making it too tough for our future lifestyle. People think that one should enjoy at max now only, as after 60+ they have to live a simple life. But if you don’t know how to live a simple life now only, how can you live that life later?

  11. @Buffet – yes, the foundation is being built.
    @Ravi – yes, one part I am worried about is the moving horizon. Trying to fix it by searching/starting design firms in my field of engg at hometown AND building a good corpus…. Am lucky in terms of spouse’s agreement. Kids, i don’t worry, by the time they are old enough to understand, we would be back at home.

  12. Hi Subra,

    Could you please create Email Subscribe option just like the one in of pattu? I would like to be alerted about the new posts through email.

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