Amazing how when people read something, their guilt pangs are tickled :-).

I see exploiting children, exploiting wives, husbands, parents, in-laws, siblings. I dare say I interact with far more people than many (or most) of you.

Please do understand that the fact that YOU are an exploiting parent does not mean that there are no exploiting children. All co exist in this country, and many of them I know.

So when I write about a toxic wife, it is because I see some. Does it mean that there are no good women who manage their family well? Of course not. I know one woman who looks after the kitchen and the investments with equal skill. I hope she outlives her husband. He can neither cook nor understand what is a mutual fund.

There are parents who when they hear that their son is taking a vacation, THEY TOO WANT ONE. So his costs of going for a vacation MORE THAN DOUBLES. Is this a case of exploitation? I know not. His dad’s logic could be ‘when you were young I took you, now it is my turn’ – I am not passing judgement. The son has to plan his finances accordingly, that is all.

On this blog I may be judgmental at times, however the aim is to be factual, and not have any opinion. When I posted about marriages, I was asked ‘do you hate boys’ and when I posted ‘Toxic wives’ I was asked whether I am a misogynist. Neither.

One girl smsed me saying ‘please do not tag me on this article on FB my husband will think I told you about his financial behavior’….he refuses to let her part with money for gifts for HER FAMILY even though she is earning an amount of money EQUAL to or MORE than his salary….that is the way of the world!!

Far more importantly I will continue to write what I want to write, sometimes opinionated, mostly factual, sometimes changing locations, names, ages, ….hey that is how life is.

  1. Good Wonderful Fantabolus Excellent ,,Keep it Sir.

    Please Continue Writing and Ignore all those noises.

  2. Lol…Seems to me you should do a blog on emotional stability! That’s among the necessary early steps before making financial investments. If readers begin taking things too personal and start reacting to someone’s observations (or interpretations)….that’s a red flag screaming out for some introspection time!

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