Got lotsa mail saying…please write every day…feels good no doubt…

Just a thought…may I ask readers to write in their experiences of what they liked and what they learnt?


that will be of great help. This is because when I see something I think it is too simple – so why should I write about it…but then i see people go and lose money in QNet and Amway and such other sucker schemes…then I keep wondering should I write about it.

I have SCREAMED that ULIP is a complicated product and not meant for people who cannot reverse engineer the product. Stay away please.

Knowing what you learnt could be useful….

also please read the old posts….this is now a 5 year old blog and has upwards of 2300 articles…and honestly I have run out of topics – compounding, start early, insurance, mutual funds, retirement, …………… it is readers experiences that will be worth sharing.

What say?

  1. I wam so glad that I make decisions based on your inputs, made on this website.
    What I like…
    1. Articles keep pouring in frequently. One daily.
    2. Write-ups are small. I don’t have to spend more than 2-3 minutes to go through them.
    3. The range of products/topics covered is good… including health and family matters 😉

    What I have done…
    1. Asked my friends/family whom I could not guide, to follow subramoney
    2. Tried to “match” my portfolio as per your guidelines. I still believe these as pointers; as ultimately my financial decisions are my own 🙂
    3. Not fallen for the home-loan (or any loan) trap; it was going to be trap in my case!!!

    What I want more of…
    1. Too many articles are uncategorized. Pls put them into respective categories, so that archival reading is improved.
    2. More inputs on specific popular products picked from the market. You may do one every week. Or you may do comparison of three similar products once every week.
    3. Being a salaried mother, I have never faced situations where I am unaware of what financial decisions my husband has taken. So, articles meant for women should not treat them as ignorant and/or indifferent housewives 🙂
    4. I have seen younger working girls around me who need help on personal finance matters. Pls write something for them as well.

  2. Hello Subra,

    The fact that I missed the bus of early savings (as I met you only 2 years ago, it’s better late than never ;)); I have learned hell lot of things from you.

    1. Personal Finance
    2. Investing vs Trading
    3. Need for insurance (Read : “Term Insurance” here, and that too online :p)
    4. To say “NO” to the products that are way beyond my tiny brain 🙂

    As many have mentioned earlier here, even I have started calculating IRR for all the figures that are thrown at me by SPAM callers and found out the returns that were on offer, are way below average.

    What I would like to see?
    Well, that’s tough but I would like you to cover financial terms in simple language (let’s say for a comman man). One such defination you provided was for P/E ratio, and am yet to come across someone who’s to give me simple defination as close to what you gave.

  3. Sir, can you please write up how you managed/felt in 2009 market meltdown when portfolio’s went down upto 50% down. How you managed. Averaged? & What you done when market started recoverig

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