Though all of us love money, we are equal in our hatred for accounts! So we want the money, but not the headache of maintaining accounts, correct?

Well if you wish to measure your success and are still using money as the medium to measure it, think again. What your kids think of you, what your spouse, friends, parents…think of you is just as important.

How do we measure success? here is a brilliant link …

When a person who reported to me for sometime said ‘Can I just sit on the chair next to you….damn the salary…’ I felt vindicated.


  1. “What your kids think of you, what your spouse, friends, parents…think of you is just as important.”

    Reminds me of Valmiki

  2. Much of this and probably more is available in our cultural and social framework which we are happy to destroy for the sake of pure commercial success. The 2G scam is a good example of marginal morality. Each person does his marginal abstinence from doing the right thing and soon we have 60,000 crore vanishing. Finally we have forgotten how to be humble. the famous example of a tree bowing down with the weight of fruits (knowledge) is forgotten in exchange for self promotion and arrogance. Most importantly our children see this behaviour and learn all our negativities. Lot of introspection needed here.

  3. still Suresh it is a very well written article by a very arrogant writer! Also see the comments…there is a Dr. Venkat who has made some arrogant statement. Of course the most arrogant statement is ‘by the time you graduate from Harvard and mix with the world you will realise that you are dealing with people much inferior to you’ – or something to that effect. Not sure if I should call it Bostonian or Hitlerian…(oops!). Well, i still maintain it is a good article if it can make you think…He did make me think, and i loved the futility of learning modesty from an American. Reminds me of what an American kid wrote about being poor. He said ‘they are very poor’. Their cook is poor, and their driver is also poor. Learning modesty from an American. chuckle, chuckle.

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