One big fascination for me is ‘Charity’ – right from who does it, how, why, etc. Even at the philosophical level I keep asking people whether giving away something that you do not need is charity or not a charity!

One friend uses all his points in his credit card usage (and that includes a lot of foreign travel) points to useful items which he gifts away. Is this charity? Just asking. Tell me what you think that is all.

One project like this which got my attention is

What do they do? In one line, they collect bicycles from people who are NOT using them and give it away to kids in one particular village. Hopefully this project will spread all over India. As a happy consequence of this your building will be rid off all the unwanted bicycles and some kid in rural Maharashtra will love you for it! A deadly combination, is it not?

So just go there and donate a few bicycles that are rotting in your building! It would rid you off your ‘junk’ in your house or building, and one happy kid will go to school happy!

Caveat: I know about this project because I was looking to buy some cycling related stuff – which led me to a shop in Mumbai called The Gear’ shop So please do some research before you do any major donation of cash ….I have no clue, but the site looks good.

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