I do not know whether what I am about to say is in the Upanishads or the vedas! I am placing this caveat because these days the source of all wisdom seems to be the vedas. However, in his column Robin Sharma (yes, yes the same Monk …guy) has said that there are seven forms of wealth. They are:

Inner wealth: a positive mindset – I fully agree that a person who has a high self esteem, self respect, internal peace, and a radiance that comes from within.

Physical wealth: Looking after your health is as important as looking after your wealth. There is one big fat Indian investor icon – and he talks of the long run. When you look at him, you wonder about his health. He is surely going to be around only for the short term!!

Family and social wealth: To be happy, your family surroundings, your relationships, etc. have to be happy.

Career wealth: Being successful in your career, being recognized by your colleagues, industry peers, etc. is a big part of self-actualization. When people like my dad spent 37 years with ONE company and he was called “Advani-Visvanath” (Advani Oerlikon being the company he worked for), surely it was self actualization. He went from being a chemist to the CEO and twice president of the Indian Institute Of Welding.

Economic Wealth: Money! Need I say anything more!!?

Adventure wealth: having your need for mystery fulfilled is also an important aspiration. That is adventure wealth.

  1. Hi

    just reminded one proverb my granfather taught us

    If wealth is lost – nothing is lost
    If health is lost – something is lost
    If character is lost – everything is lost.

    Good luck

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