It gets me worried that many youngsters are today not investing. Just not investing. A person earning Rs. 12L ctc is doing a Rs. 3000 SIP started when she was 23 years of age. No change in amount or increasing the SIPs. Not only in India, even abroad…here I am quoting an American website: “A […]

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I am not going to put any numbers in this article but suffice it to say I have seen friends create millionaires out of their kids before the kid steps into college. Well, to the Manor Born. For many people a kid’s birthday is about collecting and giving gifts. Cash, Jewelry, I pod, Walkman, barbie […]

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This is how I started a speech to kids… But what is an investment, shorn of all its jargon? It is a sum of money that you outlay hoping to get a higher amount back. This can take two forms: 1. Investment like a lender 2. Investment like an owner 1. Investment like a lender […]

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Fair enough a question. Education is burning a hole in the pockets of most of the people. Whether it is an employee at a grocery store asking me “Sir is it worth paying Rs. 80,000 to NIIT’s Ifbi for my daughter” (this amount of Rs. 80,000 is very close to his annual salary of Rs. […]

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should u dip into your retirement portfolio to pay for your children’s education? what about their marriage expenses?   these are my views

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If you take the 40-60 year old, the biggest, or the toughest thing that he/ she has done is to buy a house. Especially for those nearer 60 years – their salaries were not so high, so they struggled more. So obviously now they want to make it easy for their kids to live their […]

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Teaching is always a difficult job. If people want to learn, you can take the trouble to help them learn! So whether it is telling your children the ‘benefits’ of eating vegetables or repeating the Mathematical Tables everyday or going to bed early, or reading vs watching TV debates – all are a little tough. […]

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