A survey in the USA – the land where ‘Greed is Good’ was created and is defended – showed how people with MORE actually are NOT liking it.

Just check what happens when you have more. It actually forces you to choose – whether it is shirts, pants, a big menu card, a coffee shop with 150 varieties of coffee,……this causes stress.

People with bigger houses, more money, more choice to make, ….all of them go through a lot more stress. A couple which has recently moved to a 128 sq. ft. house (Google, you will find it surely) has liked the move and are loving it.

I see this excess happening even with information – average return, standard deviation, chi square, median, alpha, beta, ….believe me all this is USELESS if you believe that the ‘past’ is not an indicator of the ‘future’.  However since we cannot see the future, we torture the past data and ‘predict’ the future. This prediction has to satisfy the media, and the potential investors PROSPECTIVELY. Since we do not analyse the ‘quality’ of prediction or rating stars EVER, the accuracy of the ‘prediction’ does not matter. So excessive data, and a super analysis of the same is, at best humorous for people like me and venomous for people who think it really works. An astrologer could be as accurate as an analyst using past data.

So what is good? Keep it Simple Stupid.

When you see the index you realise that any data pattern is easy to analyze, but diff to predict. So stop trying to predict. Keep life simple. Choose simple clothes, food, lifestyle, exercise, ……believe me, it pays.

  1. offtopic, or possibly not
    on apartmenttherapy.com, they run an annual contest called Small Cool.. small cool 2010, small cool 2011… what people are able to do with smaller spaces is amazing.

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