When you grow up in Ghatkopar and live there for 3/4ths of your life, most friends tend to be Jains. So over the past 10 days a lot of them called me to say ‘Michhami Dukkadam’. And as is wont, I repeated it. Little did I realize that I am communicating far, far more on my blog than through my other daily interactions or even through lectures. I hate, hate, hate hurting people – knowingly or unknowingly. However I do hurt people.

So here is my apology to all Marxists, all Ayn Rand devotees (I used to be a fan, never became a devotee), all fans of indexing (does not work in India), all regulators (does not work anywhere in the world, sorry Deven), all financial education and inclusion bandwagon riders (yes there are about 84000 organisations doing it), all experts who come on television, all anchors, all personal finance writers who spew generalisations as personal finance planning, all the good people reading my blog, all the bad people reading my blog, all the people who click on the ads on my blog, all the people know ads should not be clicked, all the people who comment, all the people who think I edit comments, all the people who know I do not edit comments, to all the children who expect their parents to spend for their MBA, to all the parents who show off their wealth by blowing money on kids weddings – and the kids themselves do not want it, to all those who are not investing for retirement, to those who are hoping that their kids will take care of them in their old age, to those who do not plan for retirement thinking they will die young, to all those students whose MBA degree is getting them only low end jobs, to those colleges who are telling their students …well it is too boring is it not….so …..and every body else including Obama and Osama…

So just to carry this a little further, Michhami Dukkadam to all of you….well Wikipedia says this is what it is:

Jai Jinendra

On this auspicious occasion of Paryushan we wish you all Michhami Dukkadam!
We beg your forgiveness from inner of our hearts for whatever misdeeds or mis-behaviour whether knowingly or unknowingly occured by ourselves to you through mind, thoughts, actions or speech during the past year. Michchhami Dukkadam on the occasion of Savantsari Maha Parve

Kshamapana Sutra with Meaning

KHAAMEMI SAVVE JEEVA (I grant forgiveness to all living beings)
SAVVE JEEVA KHAMANTU ME (May all living beings grant me forgiveness)
METTI ME SAVVE BHUYESU (My friendship is with all living beings)
VAIRAM MAJHAM NA KENAI (My enemy is totally non-existent)


With best wishes and prayers for the well-being of all things living……!

  1. If your perspective hurts someone, it is not your problem but theirs. They have equal right to share their perspective and if it hurts you, it is not their problem, but yours. On the other day, you mentioned apology keeps one’s ego under check. I agree. Also nothing wrong with ego perse, as we require the same for functioning in this world. If it becomes large enough to swallow us, well then we are in for a real trouble.

    Despite your apologies, I’m confident that you are not going to change, but is going to continue with your existing ways. We’ve have no complaints with what you are. If you inflict hurt, sometimes you should be ready to receive it back also.

    Asoke, now that you’ve seen a comment, may you be in peace.

    To my friends, foes and in betweens – Michhami Dukkadam.

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