Awake! Arise! Stop Not till the Goal is Reached said Swami Vivekananda.

He was too much of a Motivator to be called a Saint, and too Saintly to be called a Motivator. Of course he was not like today’s Motivators..if only he had left tapes, videos, …it would have been great. His books stir you, his words would have Charged you, big time. More than being a motivator he talks a lot about Concentration. Low end people like me need silence to concentrate.

One C A firm in London used to ban incoming calls for partners from 9am to 1pm – when they were to work uninterrupted, and concentrate on client meetings, audit finalization, etc. This had been an age old practice – incoming calls if any would be answered after 2pm.

Nowadays of course you can be disturbed at 2 am or 2pm by a message, a FB entry, a tweet, or even a phone call if your boss is awake. Interruptions by the electronic invasion of our lives – mailing everything to everyone – just in case – have all ensured that we do not get enough time to concentrate unless you choose vampire hours to work. Even then Google, FB, Linkedin, – can all disturb you. Of course it is your choice…but the urge is real and seemingly genuine. You realized how these have been horrible ‘IRAs’ as friends from BNI would call it. (IRA is Income Reducing Activity) and BNI is Business Network International – a networking organisation).

Now Harvard Business School says it is a good thing to have such ‘shut up time’…read on;col2

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