Have you wondered why doctors are not really rich? They do earn well. Even in a lower middle class suburb of Mumbai they do charge reasonably well. For example a specialist (pediatrician)  doctor practicing in Navi Mumbai would charge Rs. 250 for a visit. This is not too bad for the 20 minutes that the doctor spends with the customer. Now if a doctor does meet 30 patients a day, it translates to Rs. 7500 a day and Rs. 182,500. This looks great, does it not.

Just wait what about the costs?

One girl to attend to the patients, one nurse, one ayah at the minimum. This translates to about Rs. 15,000 a month. Then there is rent, electricity, a driver, a watchman, etc. All these will add up to at least another Rs. 50,000 a month to say the least.

That brings down the gross earnings to Rs. 130,000 a month. This translates to Rs. 15 lakhs a year. Nothing else. No perks, no bonus, no leave, no LTA, NOthing.

For a doctor who is 43 years of age this may not be a great number – if he were working in the financial services industry at this age he would be grossing at least two and  a half times this amount.

Of course for dentists it could be different. Each visit could mean cash inflow of Rs. 500 at the least – which doubles the income. And without the insecurity of job loss which all bankers have to endure. Of course if you were working in a government company and earning Rs. 4 crores a year, you should not be complaining 🙂

  1. agree completely.many patients seen are repeat patients seen a day before who may not pay.also doctor works on daily wages.no work no pay.no pension.no sick leave.no hardship benefits
    upside is you answer only to yourself and can decide how many hours u would like to work.
    always read your blog.it is excellent

  2. The reason doctors are cash-flow rich & asset poor is that they do not understand investments beyond real estate and bank FDs…

  3. Thanks Doc. I tell all kids DO NOT BECOME A DOC if you want to earn LOTS of money. Physically impossible if you are a doc on ur own. If you set up a hospital….etc. it is different.

    One joke I keep telling people is ‘Once upon a time BECOMING a doc was a service, but if you pay Rs. 1 crore to get a degree, it better be a BUSINESS, cannot be a ‘service’. LOL

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